Counterfeit Merchandise is a Federal Offense
People covet the stuff of dreams every day. Stuff like designer handbags, watches, shoes, and clothes with high priced name tags on them.
People covet the stuff of dreams every day. Stuff like designer handbags, watches, shoes, and clothes with high priced name tags on them.
In California damaging electrical or phone lines belonging to somebody else is a serious crime.
You hear the word “indictment” in the news and on shows about attorneys, but what does it mean, especially for a person who has been indicted?
If you have been arrested and charged with a theft crime, you might be interested to know exactly what this charge means.
When a driver is pull over and is suspected of driving under the influence (“DUI”), their first thoughts might be on the officer’s question, “Have you had anything to drink today?
There are many Californians who can’t get a job or move on with their lives due to damaged reputations because they’ve served time for their criminal mistakes.
When the police are actively investigating an individual because they suspect them of a crime, but formal charges have not been filed, it is referred to as pre-file investigations.
When Proposition 47 ("Prop 47") was passed in California, numerous crimes that were felonies but had related amounts of $950 or less then became misdemeanors.
To ensure a defendant shows up in court and obeys any conditions related to their release before their trial date, the court sets a bail amount.
You have a date for your arraignment, but what is it?