

The Crime of "Defrauding an Innkeeper"

by Samantha Greene

The term of “defrauding an innkeeper” refers to not paying after eating at restaurants or drinks at bars, buying fuel at gas stations, or staying at hotels or motels.

Should You Refuse a PAS Test Before Arrest?

by Samantha Greene

If you’re stopped at a roadside or checkpoint as part of a DUI investigation, you’ll be asked to do what’s known as a “Preliminary Alcohol Screening” test ("PAS") prior to any arrest.

Learn More about Adult Crime System vs. Juvenile Crime System

Adult Crime System vs. Juvenile Crime System

by Samantha Greene

When it comes to adult crime and juvenile crime there are a number of differences, but also similarities, in the way the criminal justice systems handles them.

Court for Juvenile Crimes

by Samantha Greene

Any crime that a person under 18 commits falls under the category of juvenile crimes.

Transportation of Firearms in California

by Samantha Greene

Laws are very strict concerning transportation of firearms, however California permits firearms to be transported in motor vehicles under certain requirements and restrictions.