An Overview of the Drug Possession Laws in California
When it comes to drug possession in the state of California they have defined two category consisting of “simple possession” and “possession with intent to sell.
When it comes to drug possession in the state of California they have defined two category consisting of “simple possession” and “possession with intent to sell.
Laws are very strict concerning transportation of firearms, however California permits firearms to be transported in motor vehicles under certain requirements and restrictions.
It’s illegal as well as dangerous when driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
When most people think of theft, they think of shoplifting clothes or jewelry, or perhaps robbery, burglary, assault, or fraud.
California Senator Jerry Hill introduced a bill on December 29, 2014, requiring “Ignition Interlock” devices be used on cars of first time offenders of DUI.
Being accused of assault and battery can be a frightening experience, especially if you’re not guilty.
Definition of Medical Identity Theft Identity theft is the fraudulent stealing of somebody’s personal information, such as name and social security number, in order to acquire personal gain, such as money, personal gratification, or prestige.
In California the Penal Code Sections 484 and 488 are two sections under which petty theft is handled and prosecuted, depending on the circumstances involved with the charges.
California Law entitles a person to receive bail so they can be released from jail until their Court date.
With the legalization of medical marijuana in California, popular edibles and exotic forms of marijuana are popping up.