Our rape attorneys in Solana Beach have defended their clients for more than four decades. The legal team has succeeded in seeking justice for the wrongly accused. The lawyers have an extensive understanding of the California Penal Code and related laws. We will file the paperwork at the right time to avoid delaying the trial.
How does the law define rape?
The California Penal Code does not follow a strict guideline to determine whether someone performed a rape or not. A rape can take place if two people are romantically involved with each other. However, one was too intoxicated to give consent. On the other hand, if someone accuses rape, the prosecution will aim for criminal charges.
Rape can happen during a social gathering, family dinner, or at a party. However, most rape cases involve someone using drugs. Nonetheless, drugs are not a requirement. The offender has got the victim drunk to the point they are unconscious and cannot give consent to sexual activities.
Which penalties can occur from a rape conviction?
Rape has severe penalties in the State of California. If you do not hire the right rape attorneys in Solana Beach, you will face the following:
- Firstly, the judge will announce a mandatory prison time of three to eight years.
- You will have to pay a fine of $10,000.
- In addition, the client suffers from a felony conviction which goes on your permanent record.
- Furthermore, the convicted must also pay restitution according to the court order.
- Finally, you must register as a sex offender on the Megan’s website.
The convicted will have to pay huge fines. Moreover, they must spend future years in prison. Consequently, a conviction has ruined their life. If the court convicts you as a felon, you will find it difficult to get a job. Also, you cannot go to school without restrictions.
What do the rape attorneys in Solana Beach do for their clients?
Our rape attorneys in Solana Beach will defend their clients in many ways. Here are a few examples:
- Initially, the lawyer will supervise communication with other parties in the case.
- Secondly, the lawyers will defend their clients in court and outside of it. Our team will not let anyone hurt your reputation in society.
- In addition, the lawyers will collect and prepare evidence to align with your defense. Also, the legal team will ensure the court does not miss the evidence.
- Moreover, the lawyers will consult with witnesses and experts to make their defense more powerful.
- Finally, the lawyer will answer all the questions. As a result, you understand the legalese and the elements related to your case.
Clearly, representing yourself in the case means you are at a huge disadvantage. Therefore, you need comprehensive knowledge the criminal law in California. It is not worth the risk, however. Let us fight for you in court in front of a judge.
Should the clients go with a plea bargain?
A plea bargain is a quick and easy way to end all legal complications. However, our rape attorneys in Solana Beach suggest reading the fine print. Unfortunately, the prosecution will craft a plea bargain cleverly for the court to convict you. Consequently, you go to jail and face severe penalties.
Our lawyers will discuss all the deals that the prosecution brings with their clients. You must not believe everything the prosecution says because they are not on your side. Our lawyers will review the terms in great detail before convincing you to sign anything.
What to do if the offender has raped you?
The actions you take or do not take will have a lasting impact on your future life. Even though it is very difficult to understand what has happened, the first thing you should do is find a safe spot. Subsequently, you must process the assault and make it an aim to seek justice.
If you notice the signs of rape, you must take the following steps to ensure safety. Leave it to the rape attorneys in Solana Beach to protect your constitutional rights.
Calling the police
You must report the crime as well as the offender to law enforcement. They have the special tools to preserve the biological evidence present in the victim’s body. In addition, they will collect the clothes and investigate to identify the assailant.
Save the evidence
Our rape attorneys in Solana Beach insist you must save the clothes you were wearing at the time of the incident. Furthermore, you must preserve everything else that links you to the event for discovery in the evidence later.
Tell your friends or family.
Rape is a heinous crime. Even though you have decided to seek justice, our rape attorneys in Solana Beach understand that trial is tough on a lot of clients. Therefore, talk to a close friend or a family member. You can bring the person alongside you at the police station, our firm, doctor’s appointment, or trials.
Get medical help
After you have gained your senses, immediately go to an emergency room to receive medical treatment. A doctor will look at the physical injuries. Furthermore, the professionals will perform a sexual assault exam to collect evidence that our rape attorneys in Solana Beach will present in court.
Contact the rape attorneys in Solana Beach
When you are ready to talk about the crime, contact our firm for legal assistance. Our lawyers are very respectful, skilled, and knowledgeable. We have the necessary help you need to hold the offender accountable for their actions. Our team will pursue criminal and civil damages on your behalf.
Why hire our rape attorneys in Solana Beach?
If the prosecution is charging you with California Penal Code sections 261, 262, 266, and 289, the court may convict you as a felon. The jail sentence is long, and the penalties are quite expensive. Moreover, you will have to register as a sex offender as well. In short, rape accusations have devastating consequences. However, it does not mean you are guilty. You can hire our rape attorneys in Solana Beach, who will defend you against wrongful and life-altering accusations.