

The Crime of "Defrauding an Innkeeper"

by Samantha Greene

The term of “defrauding an innkeeper” refers to not paying after eating at restaurants or drinks at bars, buying fuel at gas stations, or staying at hotels or motels.

Medical Identity Theft

by Samantha Greene

Definition of Medical Identity Theft Identity theft is the fraudulent stealing of somebody’s personal information, such as name and social security number, in order to acquire personal gain, such as money, personal gratification, or prestige.

California Petty Theft

by Samantha Greene

In California the Penal Code Sections 484 and 488 are two sections under which petty theft is handled and prosecuted, depending on the circumstances involved with the charges.

Keep Holiday Packages Theft Free

by Samantha Greene

While the holiday season may brings good tidings, it also brings out the Grinch to steal holiday packages from porches.